Issue 3

Spring 2019
We pushed our limits this year, upgrading our magazine with extra spreads and a perfect bound spine. Seeing and holding this issue now makes all the hard work worth it.

To fund this newest venture, we also launched our very first Kickstarter and Bonfire T-shirt campaigns, both of which received overwhelming support from our friends, family, and community. As a small student organization that just started three years ago, your support means the world to us. We truly could not have accomplished what we did without each and every one of you.

Following First Impressions, our second issue, Re:Build, examined how we and our communities create resilience in the face of hardships on an interpersonal and systemic level through design.

Impact hones in on the sociopolitical effects design can have on our communities. With intentional design decisions, our work can propel change towards justice and liberation. However, when we forget to critically examine our choices or intentionally trade ethics for profits, it can have lasting negative impacts on the status quo and even ‘people’s livelihoods.

This year’s theme tackles the issue of sustainability across multiple sectors. These range from the economic efficiency of capitalism to the growing concerns of environmental changes. We also explore governmental systems that have left vulnerable communities at risk for decades. Our publication urges designers to use our power to leave those communities better than how we found them.

As we delve into these topics, let’s take a moment to reflect on the impact and motivations behind our designs.
The Cost of Maintaining a Brand
We are currently taking orders for Issue 5 Solidarity Themed Stickers! Make sure to order some today!